The parabellum mount and blade wiki
The parabellum mount and blade wiki

the parabellum mount and blade wiki

My personal additions are new graphics for all menus as they were stolen, and also to try to my best ability in removing as much of vanilla M&B as possible. I have also removed Swastikas left in from Red Wars since: 1) it's based on WW1 rather than WW2 2) it causes issues in some countries, I believe that's why Red Wars was taken off of Steam from what I've heard. Most of this is a quick fix such as changing the 'troops' used for vehicles to blank soldiers that die on spawn since I lack source. So far I've removed the assets mentioned, and also done my best to remove the buggy vehicles as they cause a myriad of crashes.

the parabellum mount and blade wiki

If the people originally arguing on the previously mentioned taleworlds forum post can give some pointers that'd be nice. I know there's a lot of other assets but since most files for M&B are nearly a decade old now, I cannot find the original authors to attribute. There's a few issues present, one of which was assets from BF1 being used, which I've more or less removed (by replacing with blank/silence for now) Yeah, read the taleworlds post he's banned, I'm having to work using the released version. I have a copy of the infamous 'The Parabellum 1.2' mod (a submod itself of Red Wars 1.7) and have taken it upon myself to remove the copyrighted content, fix as many bugs as possible and create what was intended from scratch as well as I can, as to be frank the creator used a lot of stolen content.Īs I lack the source, and nobody can get hold of it since the author. Hi, So, I'm an amateur modder BUT have extensive experience with reverse engineering, texturing, sound design and so on.

The parabellum mount and blade wiki